This first issue is all about putting a vital skill to master as a golfer with your putting coach A.T. taking you through a selection of skills and drills. Plus some fun activities and games to make and play.
You will be amazed at what you can self learn through the simple language of colour using your personal training kit.
Kit comes with a FREE Online training course with 45 fun drills to help you to sharpen up your skills.
Sign up to receive a FREE Insight Course to show you how Colour Path Golf is changing the way that students are learning to play. By simply using a colour coded sequence of colour to influence the movement of the swing.
We cannot stress enough how powerful the following 5 step process is when used when you first meet a new student. Start by placing down two yellow rulers spaced out 1 1/2 ruler lengths away from the ball on either side to form a target line.
Next you need to place down two red rulers to control the ball position and club face alignment references at set up.
You should next ask your student to place down the blue ruler to represent the downswing path reference for where the club head will travel as it approaches the ball to create the shot shape which they are trying to play with.
HAving placed down the downswing path blue ruler reference next the student should be asked to place down the green ruler to represent the exit path for the club after it makes contact with the ball.
Finally the student should be asked to place down a red ruler to represent the alignment of the club face at impact. Once this ruler is positioned you can see inside your students head to see how they perceive whatever shot shape it is that they were trying to play with. In our experience 95% of students mis-represent the shot shape which they are trying to play with and actually build out their fault!